I called the days with theirs label. For me, today is the horrible one. Only for me, not for the people around me. I saw a very wide laugh between them. It made me live in a contrast life. There is loneliness in the crowd. What a weird person! Why can't I feel their feelings? In the same time, in the different senses.
It's been a long time. I'm still here to feel the same feeling, not changes. Just changing position and it couldn't be comfortable feeling. I want to quit from the acts. I can't pretend by presenting actions that don't match how I feel. I can't be a hypocrite. I just act and act based on what I believe.
It's like a trap. To be honest, I used to run away from the harsh reality. In fact, I was running from one harsh reality to another. Now I think why should I run? If stay quiet and run will be the same, I prefer to be silent. At least, it didn't tire me out.